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<< 最終更新日:2024年06月28日 >> |
教員情報 | |||
教員名 | 白 映旻 | 教員名カナ | ベク ヨンミン |
英字 | 所属 | 経済経営学部 経済経営学科 |
詳細情報 | |
職位 | 准教授 |
専攻分野 | 国際経済 |
最終学歴・学位 | 早稲田大学、博士(International Studies) |
研究テーマ | グローバルバリューチェーン(GVC)参加の決定要因とその効果、自由貿易協定(FTA)および国際投資協定(IIA)の効果 |
研究キーワード | 国際貿易、海外直接投資、グローバルバリューチェーン(GVC) |
研究業績・著者・論文、その他それに準じる業績 | 【著書】
・Urata, S and Baek, Y. (2021) “The Determinants of Participation in Global Value Chains (GVCs): A Cross-Country, Firm-Level Analysis.” Enhancing SME Participation in Global Value Chains: Determinants, Challenges, and Policy Recommendations, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI). (Book Chapter) 【論文、査読付き】 ・Baek, Y. and Urata, S. (2023) "Does GVC participation improve firm productivity? A study of selected ASEAN developing countries" Asian Economic Journal, 37(2), 232-260. ・Urata, S. and Baek, Y. (2023). “Impact of International Investment Agreements on Japanese FDI: A firm-level analysis.” The World Economy, 00, 1–29. https:// doi.org/10.1111/twec.13403 ・Urata, S. and Baek, Y. (2022). “Impacts of firm's GVC participation on productivity: A Case of Japanese Firms.” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Volume 66, 101232. ・Korwatanasaku, U., Baek, Y. and Majoe, A. (2022) “Analysis of global value chain participation and workers' wages in Thailand: A micro-level analysis.” The Singapore Economic Review, Volume 66, #3. ・Baek, Y., Hayakawa, K., Tsubota, K., Urata, S. and Yamanouchi, K. (2021). “Tariff Pass-through in Wholesaling: Evidence from Firm-level Data in Japan.” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 101164. ・Korwatanasakul, U., and Baek, Y. (2021). “The Effect of Non-Tariff Measures on Global Value Chain Participation.” Global Economic Review, 50(3), 193-212. ・Sasaki, S., Watanabe, K., Lee, K., Widyaningsih, N., Baek, Y., & Araki, T. (2020). Recycling contributions of dumpsite waste pickers in Bantar Gebang, Indonesia. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 22, 1662-1671. ・Xie, Y. and Baek, Y. (2020) “Impact of exchange rate and firm heterogeneity on exports: Empirical evidence from four ASEAN economies.” Journal of Southeast Asian Economies vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 199-223. ・Urata, S. and Baek, Y. (2020) “Does Participation in Global Value Chains Increase Productivity? An Analysis of Trade in Value Added Data.” Thailand and The World Economy, Vol 38 No1, pp. 1-28. ・白映旻(2016)「東アジア地域における生産ネットワーク参加による生産性の向上」『開発技術』、22号、pp. 31-45。 ・白映旻(2016)「東アジア地域における生産ネットワークと決定要因―東アジアの機械産業を中心―」『アジア太平洋研究科論集』、31号、pp.57-80。 【論文、査読なし】 ・白映旻(2020)「日本と韓国の多国籍企業による東アジアにおける直接投資先の決定要因」『アジア太平洋討究』、38号、pp.277-294。 ・白映旻(2019)「東アジア生産ネットワークとキャッチアップ」『アジア太平洋討究』、37号、pp.181-192。 【Working Paper, Discussion Paper】 ・Urata, S. and Baek, Y. (2024). “Globalization and Equality: A Cross-Country Analysis.” Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Working Paper Series No. 1453. ・Urata, S. and Baek, Y. (2023). "Technology Transfer and Firm Competitiveness: The Case of Indonesia" Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Working Paper Series No. 1410. ・Baek, Y., Hayakawa, K., Mukonoki, H. and Urata, S. (2023). “COVID-19 Pandemic and GVC Trade in ASEAN.” ・Urata, S. and Baek, Y. (2022). “Technology Spillover and Absorptive Capacity of Firms and Countries.” Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Working Paper Series No. 1323. ・Urata, S. and Baek, Y. (2022). “Impact of International Investment Agreements on Japanese FDI: A Firm-level Analysis.” RIETI Discussion Paper Series 22-E-038. ・Baek, Y. and Hayakawa, K. (2022) “Fixed Costs in Exporting and Investing.” RIETI Discussion Paper Series 22-E-023. ・Urata, S. and Baek, Y. (2022). “Impacts of Firm GVC Participation on Productivity: A Case of Japanese Firms.” RIETI Discussion Paper Series 22-E-021. ・Korwatanasakul, U. and Baek, Y. (2021) “The Effect of Non-Tariff Measures on Global Value Chain Participation” ERIA Discussion Paper Series, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), No. 382 ・Urata, S. and Baek, Y. (2021). “Does GVC Participation Improve Firm Productivity? A Study of Three Developing Asian Countries.” Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Working Paper Series No.1245. ・Korwatanasaku, U., Baek, Y. and Majoe, A. (2020) “Analysis of Global Value Chain Participation and the Labour Market in Thailand.” Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Discussion Paper Series, No.331. ・Urata, S. and Baek, Y. (2020). “The Determinants of Participation in Global Value Chains: A Cross-Country, Firm-Level Analysis.” Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Working Paper Series No.1116. ・Urata, S. and Baek, Y. (2019) “Does Participation in Global Value Chains Increase Productivity? An Analysis of Trade in Value Added Data.” Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Discussion Paper Series No. 301. ・Baek, Y., Hayakawa, K., Tsubota, K., Urata, S. and Yamanouchi, K. (2019, 8) “Tariff Pass-through in Wholesaling: Evidence from Firm-level Data in Japan.” RIETI Discussion Paper Series 19-E-064. 【投稿や記事】 ・(2022) “The role of international investment agreements in attracting Japanese foreign direct investment.” VoxEU Column, https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/role-international-investment-agreements-attracting-japanese-foreign-direct ・(2022) “Small or negative trade effects of regional trade agreements: Fixed costs of exporting vs investing” VoxEU Column, https://voxeu.org/article/explaining-disappointing-trade-effects-regional-trade-agreements ・(2022) “Impacts of firm global value chain participation on productivity: A case of Japanese manufacturing firms.” VoxEU Column, https://voxeu.org/article/impacts-firm-global-value-chain-participation-productivity ・(2020) “Who benefits from trade liberalisation? A case from Japan.” VoxEU Column, https://voxeu.org/article/who-benefits-trade-liberalisation-case-japan |
受賞 | |
主な学会活動 | 日本国際経済学会, The East Asian Economic Association |
社会等との関わり | |
個人のURL | |
担当科目 | 国際経済学 経済経営特別講義(Introductory Economics) 経済学コース特別講義(開発経済学) 国際経済学 経済学コース特別講義(Introductory Economics) 経済学コース特別講義(開発経済学) 経済学特別演習(計量経済学) 国際経済学 国際経済学特別研究 国際経済学特別演習 国際経済学特殊研究 国際経済学特殊演習 特別研究(白) 特別研究(白) 特別研究(白) 特別研究(白) |
オフィスアワー | 木曜日3限 |
研究室 | 3号館314号室 |
内線番号 | 1864 |
メールアドレス | baek●tmu.ac.jp (メールを送信する場合は●を@に変換してください) |
研究室サイト等 | |
researchmap | 過去の研究業績等(researchmap) |