
<< 最終更新日:2024年03月29日 >>
科目種別 専門教育科目 授業番号 I0393
学期 前期 曜日
科目 Evolutionary Biology/進化生物学各論 時限 2限
担当教員 野澤 昌文 単位数 2


教員 所属
塚谷 祐介 生命科学科
野澤 昌文 生命科学科

授業方針・テーマ Recent and future topics on evolutionary biology based on population genetics, molecular phylogenetics will be deeply introduced. Darwin’s theory of natural selection and the neutral theory of molecular evolution will also be introduced. Evolution of life in connection with earth history will also be introduced. Biodiversity as a consequence of evolution will also be introduced with a couple of examples.

*This course is conducted in English, but support in Japanese is available for those who need it.
First half (Nozawa): Students are expected to understand how to construct molecular phylogeny. Students are also expected to understand major components of genomes and explain the mechanism of genome evolution. They will be able to explain the effect of epigenetics on evolution. Finally, students aim to grasp the basics on how to analyze large-scale sequence data and apply to evolutionary studies.

Second half (Tsukatani): Students are expected to learn the connection between earth history and life evolution, and some models of origin and evolution of life. Students are also expected to learn recent studies on evolution of photosynthesis and respiratory. Students will be able to explain the evolution of life’s metabolisms.
First half (Nozawa):
1. Evolution and phylogeny
2. Genome evolution 1: gene duplication
3. Genome evolution 2: transposable elements
4. Epigenetics 1
5. Epigenetics 2
6. Data analyses in evolution 1
7. Data analyses in evolution 2
8. Summary of the first part

Second half (Tsukatani)
9. Origin of life / Co-evolution of life and earth
10. Origin of life / Co-evolution of life and earth II
11. Evolution of the cell
12. Evolution of photosynthesis
13. Evolution of photosynthesis II
14. Evolution of respiratory and organelles
15. Summary of the second part
授業外学習 Nozawa, Tsukatani: Students are required to review the content of each class.
テキスト・参考書等 Nozawa: handouts will be uploaded to kibaco.
Tsukatani: The Vital Question : Energy, Evolution, and the Origins of Complex Life (Nick Lane), A physiological perspective on the origin and evolution of photosynthesis (William F. Martin et al.), 生命の起源はどこまでわかったか(高井研、岩波書店)、光合成とはなにか(園池公毅、講談社)
成績評価方法 Nozawa, Tsukatani: participation (including response to questions, discussions, and small quiz) 30%, examination 70%

There is no particular office hour. Students can ask questions at any time to Nozawa (manozawa[at]tmu.ac.jp) or Tsukatani (tsukatani[at]jamstec.go.jp).
It is advisable to take “進化生物学概論/General evolutionary biology” in advance.
*There is no corresponding course provided in Japanese for this class.