
<< 最終更新日:2024年03月29日 >>
科目種別 専門教育科目 授業番号 I0434
学期 後期 曜日
科目 Special Lecture in Evolutionary Biology1(進化生物学特別講義) 時限 2限
担当教員 Adam Linc Cronin 単位数 1


教員 所属
Adam Linc Cronin 生命科学科

授業方針・テーマ Many organisms live together in groups, and group-living conveys a wide range of benefits. Coordination of actions in group-living organisms represents a complex challenge, yet group-living species manage to achieve remarkable tasks, such as building complex structures, coordinated movements over long distances, and advanced decision making. Explaining how this is achieved is the focus of complex systems biology.
In this course we will explore how individuals in groups can coordinate activities to produce outcomes far exceeding that which any individual could do alone. In many cases these tasks are achieved with no distinct leadership or top-down control, but via interactions at the local level, which produce emergent phenomena at the level of the group. Studies of collective behaviour are important for understanding diverse phenomena such as movements of human crowds, telecommunication networks, and the development of artificial swarm intelligence.

1. Group living
2. Group formation
3. Information
4. Feedback
5. Organisation
6. Decision making
7. Composition
8. Presentations/discussion
授業外学習 Students will be given occasional tasks to perform outside of class during the semester and are expected to do research related to their selected project theme throughout the course.
テキスト・参考書等 Collective Animal Behaviour (2010) by David J. T. Sumpter (ISBN: 9780691148434). Other relevant literature will be presented and discussed in class.
成績評価方法 Assessment will be based on a written assignment based on one or more components of the course and in-class presentations. Presentations will employ TMU's COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) platform where possible.
There are not set office hours: please visit my office if you have any questions or send queries by email.
This course will be conducted in English. Students should prepare all materials in English and will have the opportunity to discuss among themselves and with the general class in English.

This class is for undergraduate students at TMU and graduate students of other universities. The permission of curriculum coordinator (Dr. Fukuda) is required for registration. Discuss with your supervisor and class teachers in advance.