
<< 最終更新日:2024年04月03日 >>
科目種別 情報科学域 授業番号 T0138
学期 前期 曜日
科目 データ統計解析学特論 時限 2限
担当教員 岡本 正吾 単位数 2


教員 所属
岡本 正吾 情報科学科

授業方針・テーマ Substantial difficulties of real-world systems lie in the involvement of a large number of related factors that deviate statistically. Multivariate analyses and statistics are common tools for understanding and modeling these intricate systems. This course is arranged for those who had few opportunities to study statistics, multivariate analyses, and some basis for these mathematics. We learn intermediate topics of classic multivariate analyses and related statistics. We also practice how to apply each method of multivariate analysis on real data and interpret the results throughout the course.
Statistical mathematics for multivariate analyses.
General treatment of multivariate data.
Implementation of multivariate analyses by using Python.
Presentation skills for statistics.
1. Introduction & Multiple regression analysis 1
2. Multiple regression analysis 2
3. Multiple regression analysis 3
3. Outlier analysis
* First homework on multiple regression analysis
4. Principal component analysis 1
5. Principal component analysis 2
6. Factor analysis
* Second homework on PCA or FA
7. Discriminat analysis
8. Structural equation modeling 1
9. Structural equation modeling 2
* Third homework on SEM
10. Covariance selection 1
11. Covariance selection 2
12. Preparation for the final presentation
13. Online presentation by all students
14. Online presentation by all students
15. Final presentation by selected students
授業外学習 Homework for self-study are provided every week during the class.
テキスト・参考書等 Course materials are provided on kibaco. No special recommendation of text books.
成績評価方法 Based on 3 reports and one final presentation including the quality and quantity of questions and answers among the students.
Appointment by e-mail.
Especially nothing.