
<< 最終更新日:2024年03月13日 >>
科目種別 基礎科目群 授業番号 A0118
学期 前期 曜日
科目 基礎ゼミナール 時限 5限
担当教員 セルゲイ ケトフ 単位数 2



教員 所属
セルゲイ ケトフ 物理学科

授業方針・テーマ テーマ【My Place in the Global World】
The purpose of the class is to help students with orientation in general issues of economics, politics, finances and society, make personal connections between the global issues, daily life and individual future, in truly international (global) environment. The class is designed for those students who are globally-minded and are not afraid of tough questions.
It is open to both Japanese and international students.
第1回 基礎ゼミナールガイダンス
第2回 Globalization of the world markets: what is it? And what does it mean to you?
第3回 Money and finances: how do the world finances affect your personal money?
第4回 International communication: how to communicate with foreigners?
第5回 Politics: what is it? Can you live without it?
第6回 Higher Education: how much education do you need?
第7回 Computers and internet: how to deal with flood of information?
第8回 Argue what is better for you: be a business-man or a salary-man (or -woman)?
第9回 What is culture? Tell about Japanese culture and its place in the world culture
第10回 Introduce your country and your culture (non-Japanese)
第11回 Personal style and personal appearance: is it important for a job? Is it important to you?
第12回 Global challenges: what should be done? And what could you do?
第13回 You and society: human rights and responsibilities.
第14回 Skills and competence versus dilettantism, rumors and beliefs.
第15回 Conclusion: analysis and outlook
授業外学習 All students will be divided into small teams (2-3 people) for preparing together a joint presentation on one of the subjects listed above. Students should search for information from any source (internet, library, newspapers, etc.). Each student must prepare an oral presentation for at least 30 minutes by using more than 20 slides to be prepared with POWER-POINT, outside of the classroom, and answer questions after the presentation.
テキスト・参考書等 There is no textbook. Students will have to search for information and disclose their sources.
成績評価方法 Evaluation of students is based on their presentations (60%), attendance and activity during seminars (40%).
Office hours: Monday from 13:00 until 14:30 in 8-581 (email reservation desired): ketov@tmu.ac.jp
English is the MAIN language for this class, though presentations in Japanese are also accepted. NO specific English score (TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS,etc.) is required. However, your active involvement in discussions and presentations is requested.