
<< 最終更新日:2024年03月13日 >>
科目種別 基礎科目群 授業番号 A0980
学期 前期 曜日
科目 基礎ゼミナール 時限 5限
担当教員 谷口 央 単位数 2



教員 所属
谷口 央 人文学科

授業方針・テーマ テーマ:【「どうする家康」をどうする? ー歴史学の手法を使って見直す-】

This lecture will be conducted exclusively in Japanese. The instructor does not speak English.
In this lecture, the goal is to learn the basic methods of Japanese history research. In this lecture, we will use the 2023 NHK Epic Drama 'どうする家康' as material. This drama is based on historical facts. However, the story is also questionable as a true history. Therefore, we will examine the characters and events dealt with in the drama by reading historical sources, a method of Japanese history research, and checking previous studies to unravel historical facts. Based on these methods, we will re-examine the historical image portrayed in the drama.
Learn from previous studies and methods of Japanese historical research, students acquire the ability to express your own opinions with theoretical grounds.
02.How to Understand Previous Research
03.Using the Library and Methods for Collecting Prior Research
04.Start work
05.Reading and Discussing Historical Records on the Battle of Okehazama
06.Reading and Discussing Historical Records on the Ikko-Ikki of Mikawa
07.Reading and Discussing Historical Records on the Battle of Mikatagahara
08.Reading and Discussing Historical Records on the Battle of Nagashino
09.Reading and Discussing Historical Records on the Odawara Campaign and the Relocation to Kanto
10.Verification of the Battle of Okehazama
11.Verification of the Ikko-Ikki of Mikawa
12.Verification of the Battle of Mikatagahara
13.Verification of the Battle of Nagashino
14.Verification of the Odawara Campaign and the Relocation to Kanto
15.Summary of the whole

In the first half of the semester, students learn how to collect previous research in libraries. Afterwards, students will examine previous research related to each theme. Simultaneously, students should read the historical records distributed last class and summarize their content during the next class.
In the second half of the semester, students watch the drama and examine the contents based on the historical facts learned in previous classes.
授業外学習 Before the class, students should read the distributed texts and previous research papers. After the class, students should re-verify the historical facts confirmed during the class.
テキスト・参考書等 Historical sources will be distributed during the class, but students are required to search additional materials and other historical sources from libraries as necessary.
成績評価方法 Students are required to submit their work in each classes, and these submissions are the base for grading.
Questions about class contents will be accepted after class.
This lecture will be conducted exclusively in Japanese. The instructor does not speak English.
This course only covers basic study of Japanese history, so it is possible to keep up with the class even without background knowledge of Japanese history. Please take this opportunity to experience the research methods of Japanese history.